The transmission is the activity of transporting and transforming electricity from power plants and cross-border interconnection lines to local distribution grids, through the Italian national transmission grid.
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Info about the data
Scheduled trade between Italy, neighbouring TSOs, Corsica and Malta. Every day the hourly trade programme between market areas is published.
The data is published at the end of implicit and explicit capacity allocation processes and is in aggregate form for all time periods (yearly, monthly, day-ahead, intraday) considering the Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) values. Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
Scheduled trade between Italian market zones. Every day the hourly trade programme between market areas is published.
The data is published at the end of implicit and explicit capacity allocation processes and is in aggregate form for all time periods (yearly, monthly, day-ahead, intraday) considering the Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) values. Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
Physical electricity exchanges between Italy, neighbouring TSOs, Corsica and Malta is the energy actually exchanged between Italy and foreign operators and through the interconnection lines.
The data is published at the end of implicit and explicit capacity allocation processes and is in aggregate form for all time periods (yearly, monthly, day-ahead, intraday) considering the Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) values. Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
Physical electricity exchanges between Italian market zones is the electricity actually exchanged in Italy, between market zones.
The data is published at the end of implicit and explicit capacity allocation processes and is in aggregate form for all time periods (yearly, monthly, day-ahead, intraday) considering the Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) values. Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
The Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) is the maximum total exchange program in a given direction on an electrical border, compatible with security standards and taking into account the technical uncertainties on the network conditions. The NTC values are calculated by Terna, together with the neighboring TSOs through a coordinated yearly, monthly, daily and intraday process.