Generation or production is the transformation of energy from primary sources into electricity. The data on installed capacity and data which relates to the amount of energy that one or more production units actually feed into the grid, divided by source, in addition to the Italian electricity system’s energy balance, is available here.
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Info about the data
Italy's net quarter-hourly total national production, divided by primary source, including self-consumption.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
Quarter-hourly production from renewable energy sources: hydro, geothermal, biomass, wind and solar.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
The Italian electricity system’s balance: the energy required on the national grid to meet net internal consumption (“total load”) is equal to the sum of net electricity produced and electricity imported from abroad, from which energy absorbed by pumping and energy exported are subtracted.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Here available data over the last five years period, besides the ones from the running year.
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
All data referring to the consistency, number of plants, and installed power of renewable sources in Italy. The power and number of plants, divided by Region and market zones (North, Centre North, Centre South, South, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia), by class, by renewable source (PV, wind, water, bioenergy, and geothermal power), and by voltage level (high/very high, medium and low). It is also possible to see the monthly and annual evolution of the new renewable source plants already in operation.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
All data referring to the consistency, number of plants, and installed power of non-renewable source plants in Italy. The power and number of plants, divided by Region and market zones (North, Centre North, Centre South, South, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia), by source (gas, solid fuel, oil), and by voltage level (high/very high, medium and low). It is also possible to see the monthly and annual evolution of the non renewable source plants already in operation.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Info about the data
All data referring to the power, capacity, number and type of storage systems installed in Italy. The power, capacity, and number of storage systems installed in Italy, divided by Region and market zones (North, Centre North, Centre South, South, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia), by class, by plant type (integrated on renewable or non-renewable system), and by voltage level (high/very high, medium and low). It is also possible to see the monthly and annual evolution of the storage systems already in operation.
The provisional data is based on Terna’s measurements and estimates and are subject to continuous change. The consolidated data are only to considered definitive after the publication of the “Statistical data on electricity in Italy” annual report (updates to data after the publication of the annual statistics may require several weeks to be processed).
Numerical data are always presented in English format (the full stop is used to separate decimals, comma to separate thousands).
Statistical data
Plant Capacity 2023
Total efficient power
66,824.98 MW
Total Electricity Production 2023
Total efficient power
264,708.09 GWh