Among the activities strategic dispatching strategies that Terna carries out on a daily basis to guarantee, moment by moment and every day of the year, the balance between supply and demand for electricity. The national network also includes that of the management and planning of unavailability, planned or unplanned, which affects both transmission infrastructures and energy production plants, with different time horizons. In fact, it is It is possible that a portion of the high and very high voltage network or a section of an interconnection with foreign countries needs maintenance or that a plant requires a shutdown or interruption in energy production for a specific period of time. &` therefore an activity very complex, which must be carefully planned, and which allows Terna to guarantee the continuous availability of of electricity energy for all Italians, citizens and businesses, in compliance with the standards of safety, adequacy, cost-effectiveness and quality of the service.
Unit Production Unavailability
Among the activities strategic dispatching strategies that Terna carries out on a daily basis to guarantee, moment by moment and every day of the year, the balance between supply and demand for electricity. The national network also includes that of the management and planning of unavailability, planned or unplanned, which affects both transmission infrastructures and energy production plants, with different time horizons. In fact, it is It is possible that a portion of the high and very high voltage network or a section of an interconnection with foreign countries needs maintenance or that a plant requires a shutdown or interruption in energy production for a specific period of time. &` therefore an activity very complex, which must be carefully planned, and which allows Terna to guarantee the continuous availability of of electricity energy for all Italians, citizens and businesses, in compliance with the standards of safety, adequacy, cost-effectiveness and quality of the service.
Planned outages on the network and interconnections are published annually and updated weekly. Each report contains the following information, for each zone: 1. network element involved; 2. affected zones (including the zone to which it belongs); 3. type of network element; 4. start date of unavailability and estimated end date; 5. impact on available capacity; 6. reasons.
In this case, Terna verifies the compatibility of the proposals for unavailability by Dispatching Users (UdD) with the adequacy and safe operation of the electricity system, also taking into account the unavailability of grid elements. Unavailability requests are evaluated taking into account the following elements: type of unavailability requested (in this order: annual, on-demand, and occasional), and for same-type instance, the date of presentation; the greater value of the minimum adequacy margin envisaged during the unavailability period; the duration of the unavailability; compliance of the production capacity available for maintenance service attributed to each Dispatching User, or the smallest excess of the same.
Based on those elements, Terna may reject a proposal for unavailability of Dispatching Users by providing adequate justification. The planned unavailability of production units is indicated in annual detail and updated on a weekly basis. Information on the unavailability of production units above 100 MW can be found in the document. In particular, it includes:
• Plant name;
• Production unit name;
• Installed capacity;
• Geographical location;
• Type of production (hydroelectric, renewable energy... and its sub-type);
• Estimation of the start and end date of the unavailability;
• Unavailable capacity;
• Zone;
• Any comments.